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For Investment


Supporting Startups with building & funding

Connecting Corporates with Startups & Innovation

Working with Angel investors wanting to invest

Working with venture capital investors


Pontum Ventures

About us

At Pontum Ventures we have experience at the following:


Entrepreneur - Venture Capitalist - Angel Investor - Board Advisor - Financial Advisor - Blogger


We help startups to develop their businesses and corporate development as well as funding with investors.


We help companies to maximize their innovation in the new startup and entrepreneurial environment, especially in partnership with startups.


We work with Angel and Venture Capital investors interested in investing in startups and early-stage companies.


Lived and worked in US, Europe, Australia, Latin America & Africa.

Pontum Ventures

Innovation for companies

Corporates - turbocharge your innovation!


As new entrants challenge the established incumbent players in every industry, corporations need to access external technologies and capabilities. Doing so can take different forms and the most successful corporations employ several vehicles to drive corporate innovation.


For corporates, working with startups partnered by Pontum Ventures provides attractive innovation opportunities and earlier, easier and more successful integration of new innovation.


Where Corporates go to Innovate.


Contact us on the following:


+34 650 880 379


Business Meeting
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Pontum Ventures

For startups

Startups - turbocharge your search for customers, partners and investment!


For startups, working with Pontum Ventures provides attractive innovation opportunities including learning how better to achieve earlier, easier and more successful integration with Corporates and other real-world potential customers/partners.


Where startups go to grow.


Startups needing funding will benefit from Pontum Ventures' experience, knowledge and contacts. Please contact us on the following:


+34 650 880 379



Pontum Ventures

For investment

If you are a startup looking for investment, please contact us on the following:


If you are an angel or venture capital investor looking to invest in startups and innovation, please contact us on the following:


+34 650 880 379


Pontum Ventures

Contact and send proposals to 


+34 650 880 379



@PontumVentures twitter

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